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Artworks 1-50


Artwork #50: Blit the Goat Reference Sheet

Date: December 23rd, 2023

Comment: A reference sheet for Blit the Goat!

I really should make a page dedicated to refs and info of my characters, especially since the info can be pretty long for this one.

A reference sheet for a somewhat slim anthropomorphic goat, with information beside him.


Artwork #49: Just a Week Away

Date: December 18th, 2023

Comment: Alex doing the funny Wojak pointing meme to reference the funny "Christmas just a week away" meme.

I would've posted more stuff this month, but I was very slowly working on a FamiStudio remix that will come out on Christmas day.

An anthropomorphic goat pointing excitedly at a tear-away calendar, which says 'December 18th.'


Artwork #48: thankgive

Date: November 23rd, 2023

Comment: Isn't it funny how the less concerned I am about making an artwork look good, the more dynamic I get with the poses and such?

So yeah, I decided to draw a goofy-looking turkey for Thanksgiving, and ended up making them some kind of ripoff of Ryu from Street Fighter.

It was actually kinda fun to implement all the quirks of a turkey's biology into the picture (like the weird chest feather thing),

though I wish I made that right (from our view) arm look a little better.

An anthropomorphic turkey in a fighting pose.


Artwork #47: Duotrilogy

Date: October 22nd, 2023

Comment: I've been getting into numerology recently, not because I see divine or supernatural significance in certain numbers,

but rather, I just find numbers and the meanings that people apply to them to be really interesting.

So, I made this Venn diagram, with each circle holding a pair of numbers that are often compared with one another,

such as 6 and 7, 10 and 11, and 1 and 3. I don't really know how the combinations (aside from 76) would work, though.

I'm doing the combinations without adding the 2's in, because the combos would have different connections with one another than their components.

A three-way Venn diagram, with many Roman numerals within each circle.


Artwork #46: Toby 32

Date: October 12th, 2023

Comment: So, I realized that it was Toby's 32nd birthday on the 11th, and that it'll be Friday the 13th on, well, the 13th,

so I decided to combine the two occassions in between them! Happy birthday, Toby Fox!

A small, white dog wearing a hockey mask.


Artwork #45: YOU IDIOT.

Date: October 9th, 2023

Comment: I've noticed that I tend to use the mirror tool a lot for my doodles-turned-sketches.

Anyways, uhm, I guess this fits Halloween?

A maliciously smiling flower.


Artwork #44: Spamton Expressions Meme

Date: September 22nd, 2023

Comment: So, I was gonna do an artwork of Frisk, Chara and the 6 human SOULs from Undertale to celebrate the game's 8th anniversary, but I got too demotivated.

So, I made this instead. I really loved doing the coloring and shading for this gremlin! I might (re)do the Undertale artwork sometime, but don't get your hopes up, please.

So yeah, happy belated birthday, Undertale & Deltarune Chapter 2!

Multiple artworks of a puppet salesman.


Artwork #43: Doodleworld 4, Moar Sketches

Date: September 15th, 2023

Comment: Uhh, more sketches! Attempts at foreshortening and stuff. ...and eyes.

Bizarre sketches of people, faces and hands.


Artwork #42: Bomby

Date: September 3rd, 2023

Comment: Bomby from BFDIA, because I loved him in BFDIA 6. :>

A concerned bomb with arms and legs.


Artwork #41: Faces

Date: September 1st, 2023

Comment: A sketch of me drawing different faces. I think I finally figured out how to draw a snout 3-dimensionally.

Various drawings of animal faces.


Artwork #40: Overlord

Date: August 27th, 2023

Comment: Abused the mirror tool again, but I suppose I compensated by testing out some more airbrush shading with this.

A horned alien with fangs, wearing a cloak.


Artwork #39: Alex Reference Sheet

Date: August 22nd, 2023

Comment: Eyy, it's me! But as a goat! AAAA-

An anthropomorphic goat without a mouth, and a heart on his shirt.


Artwork #38: Shading Test

Date: August 15th, 2023

Comment: Just a shading test I did with airbrush brushes in Krita, after learning about how to use the Alpha lock in it.

A black ball and a cyan ball placed closely together.


Artwork #37: there is no life in the void

Date: August 12th, 2023

Comment: Yeah this is a bit of a lazy one. I just abused the mirror tool and doodled a face that I didn't wanna abandon.

I'm not sure why I'm so obsessed with drawing Indy as a monster now, though I really should apply this sorta stuff to my other characters.

A contorted, smiling anthro dog.


Artwork #36: Nine Years at Freddy's

Date: August 11th, 2023

Comment: After realizing that FNaF was gonna turn nine on August 8th, I had to work on this.

As you can see, I tried out a new brush in Krita, to give it a sort of sketchy look.

A bloody, animatronic bear head.


Artwork #35: Mirrind

Date: August 4th, 2023

Comment: I drew a sketch of this grotesque Indy-thing the other day, and decided to make a full-blown artwork of it.

I feel like he would be a creepy doppelganger of Indy, akin to Wario, which would justify his uneven proportions.

An anthro dog with cuts and scratches across his body, with an unnaturally large grin on his face.


Artwork #34: GOAT MOM

Date: July 31st, 2023

Comment: I was in an Undertale/Deltarune mood, so I drew Toriel.

I'm glad that I did art guidelines first (I rarely do them), but I feel like instead of making her head tilt down, I just made her forehead big.

A smiling anthro goat in a long dress. Text beside her reads, 'Toriel, Caretaker of the Ruins.'


Artwork #33: Stress

Date: July 26th, 2023

Comment: I've been stressed about a lot of stuff recently, from guilt over the many awful things I did when I was younger,

to feeling burnt out working on my latest animation (I'm considering giving up on it), to just this general feeling that-

my art isn't as good as it should be, so I began testing out how to draw people using 3D shapes, and how to draw perspective.

I feel a lot more confident now that I made this stuff, and I really wanna apply this knowledge to my actual art.

Various test drawings of human bodies, limbs and simple shapes.


Artwork #32: Doodleworld 3, MAKE IT STOP

Date: July 21st, 2023

Comment: So, that unhinged face in the middle was the first doodle I drew here, and was inspired by that one face Caddicarus did when-

his chest was all bulgy from having his heart warmed, or something..? I think it might've been from his commercials video.

A wide array of sketches, most of which are facial expressions.


Artwork #31: Data Cats Concept Art #1

Date: July 15th, 2023

Comment: Some concept art for a comic series that I wanna make sometime in the future.

Three anthro cats. Beside them is a map of the internet.


Artwork #30: Indy Reference Sheet

Date: July 2nd, 2023

Comment: Why did I put off making a reference for my main OC? Because laziness, that's why.

A chubby anthro dog. Beside him is information about him.


Artwork #29: Spat

Date: July 2nd, 2023

Comment: Some character that I was inspired to make after goofing off with Krita's paint and line tools.

An anthro cat, named Spat, the Duchess of Dichotomy.


Artwork #28: Wowie Zowie

Date: June 29th, 2023

Comment: Yes, I made this to mock the people that rushed to make DeviantArt jokes about Mario's elephant form, what of it?

An unimpressed anthro elephant in overalls, standing beside a short man saying, 'lmao DeviantArt.'


Artwork #27: Wilksorm

Date: June 20th, 2023

Comment: Another doodle, one that I don't thing has been posted anywhere else.

A curled up worm, saying, 'boo.'


Artwork #26: Smokebomb

Date: June 14th, 2023

Comment: Literally just Indy if he were part of a super-hero AU.

A chubby, anthro dog in a superhero outfit.


Artwork #25: Fleshling

Date: June 13th, 2023

Comment: Don't worry, this isn't a vent. I was just doodling and ended up making this.

A bizarre creature with misplaced body parts.


Artwork #24: Kaboo the Jelatan

Date: June 11th, 2023

Comment: Oh hey, a super-hero OC!

A bomb-themed superhero, wearing shorts, gloves and boots.


Artwork #23: Dark Prince Moment

Date: June 3rd, 2023

Comment: Finally, an artwork that I'm truly proud of!

I really should use references more often so I can make more stuff of this quality.

An anthro goat, smiling and sitting.


Artwork #22: RPG Mockup

Date: June 2nd, 2023

Comment: I had the idea of an RPG battle layout being like tabs on a computer for quite a while before I made this, actually.

A mockup of an RPG battle screen layout.


Artwork #21: Bearrr

Date: May 24th, 2023

Comment: I think I was trying to draw a more thee-dimensional snout with this..?

A smug anthro bear, saying, 'Can't blame a roar for trying.'


Artwork #20: Doodleworld 2, the Big Sad

Date: April 21st, 2023

Comment: I just doodled a buncha crap in Krita.

A deformed and sobbing goat head.


Artwork #19: Garmagoose

Date: May 1st, 2023

Comment: What else is there to say that hasn't been said in the sketch itself?

I mean, I guess I could say that I had macaroni & cheese for dinner and watched the Lost Bits video for Kirby 64 before drawing this.

A goose with feathers in the form of a cloak.


Artwork #18: Doodleworld

Date: April 19th, 2023

Comment: I just doodled a buncha crap in Krita.

A variety of surreal sketches.


Artwork #17: You!

Date: April 18th, 2023

Comment: I made this character while playing a Papa Louie game.

A smiling man with glasses and a small beard, wearing a buttoned up shirt.


Artwork #16: biggering is triggering

Date: April 17th, 2023

Comment: The greatest crime that the Lorax movie committed is not including "Biggering" in the movie.

I think I drew this in some sorta classic MS Paint recreation site.

A simple sketch of an smirking head with a top hat.


Artwork #15: LOVE OF THE SUN

Date: March 2nd, 2023

Comment: I freaking love Tally Hall, so I made this little artwork.

The sun, with text that reads, 'Love of the sun.'


Artwork #14: Mr. Spider and His Fruit-Berry Combo

Date: March 2nd, 2023

Comment: I just wanted to test my ability to draw fruits and berries.

A bug-like creature with a top hat and bowtie, beside various fruits and berries.


Artwork #13: Huion Test

Date: February 28th, 2023

Comment: So, after my previous computer broke, I had to get a new one that wasn't as good with drawing on a trackpad.

So, I was basically forced to start using my Huion Kamvas 13, and I've never looked back.

A smiling man with a cone hat.


Artwork #12: Dudeman

Date: February 8th, 2023

Comment: Part dude, part man, all dudeman. I might've taken inspiration from choleric personality types while drawing him.

A stout, bored-looking man.


Artwork #11: The World of Eldocha

Date: February 7th, 2023

Comment: And here is a map of the world that my characters live in! I'll likely revise it at some point, though.

A map of a fictional world.


Artwork #10: Gosty's Mishaps in the Afterlife

Date: February 3rd, 2023

Comment: Some sort of cartoon series I had in my head, starring this goofy ghost.

A happy-looking ghost, wearing a cap.


Artwork #9: Squirllll 2

Date: February 3rd, 2023

Comment: And here's an idea I had for if I didn't go with the Indy-squirrel idea. I might actually make him into a real character sometime.

The same chubby, anthro squirrel, but with inverted colors.


Artwork #8: Squirllll

Date: February 3rd, 2023

Comment: Yeahhh, I went through a brief phase where I considered changing Indy's species from a dog to a squirrel.

A chubby, anthro squirrel.


Artwork #7: Disappointed Giant

Date: January 27th, 2023

Comment: Whatever you did has not impressed the giant at all.

A bald, grumpy-looking giant.


Artwork #6: Smiler 2

Date: January 22nd, 2023

Comment: Aww, look at that sweet smile! It's clear that he wants to be your friend!

A maliciously grinning monster with tendrils.


Artwork #5: Seraph

Date: January 21st, 2023

Comment: You know what? BE AFRAID.

A bleeding angel with multiple faces.


Artwork #4: Neshkha

Date: January 18th, 2023

Comment: Uhhh, surreal stuff.

A bizzare, grinning, humanoid creature on a single roller skate.


Artwork #3: Smiler

Date: January 18th, 2023

Comment: I dunno, I wanted to test out some tutorial on how to make outlines in GIMP.

A simple, smiling face.


Artwork #2: Alex

Date: January 17th, 2023

Comment: So yeah, this is the persona I go by on the internet, a cat named Alex.

Though, this design is a little outdated, since Alex is a goat now.

An anthro cat in a long-sleeved shirt.


Artwork #1: Ogreman

Date: January 13th, 2023

Comment: Now, this is far from the first image I've made under the Indy label, but most of the

artworks I made prior to this were deleted after my mom cleaned up my computer.

A fat, grinning and drooling ogre.
