A Flower's Little Journey: An Undertale Fanfiction

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The white blur that attacked Copper bounced off of them as a bassy noise echoed from the orange heart.

Copper yelped before struggling to maintain their footing, having been knocked off balance from that strike.

The attacker in question was a frog, about the size of a human child, with what appeared to be a face under its stomach.

"Ribbit, ribbit," the large-ish amphibian noticably enunciated. Copper turned their head around to find Flowey, who was to their left, stuttering somewhat.

"Ok, uh, don't do anything just yet, ok? I'm gonna try and explain what's going on. First of all, that creature right there's a Froggit."

Copper glanced back at said Froggit, who seemed to be minding its own business. "Also, uhm, that orange heart by your chest is your SOUL,

the culmination of your being. Keep that thing safe, ok? A-actually, just keep your whole body safe, 'cause if you don't, your HP will go down.

If your HP goes to 0, you're dead." Darting their eyes back and forth between the Froggit, Copper asked, "Hold on, so is this like an RPG?"

Flowey nodded, a tad awkwardly due to the slightly nonchalant comparison, prompting Copper to ask another question.

"Wait, uhm, well how do I do the stuff? Y'know, the commands and all that." Flowey would have shrugged if he had shoulders,

and he became irritated by their lack of understanding. "How should I know?"

"You just said that you'd explain what was going on!"

Flowey's face grew hot. "I'm trying, Copper! Now just shut up and listen!!"


Copper was taken aback by his sudden snapping at them, all the while the Froggit stood there patiently.

"...Sorry, uh, I guess you could just walk towards that Froggit and see what happens?"

Footsteps echoed across the strange arena as they approached it, but nothing seemed to happen. "Uhm... hi..?" There was no reaction.

"Hm, I don't think that did anythi-" A sharp sting greeted Copper's abdomen, and they noticed that an assortment of flies were charging towards them

as the Froggit distanced itself. They ran out of the path of such projectiles, managing to avoid the rest of them.

Holding their side, which had been bruised by that first fly, a strange thought invaded their mind.

"13," it whispered, and an image of a yellow bar, connected to a red square, faintly appeared as well.

"That's my HP, right?" Copper instinctively asked Flowey, looking at the green-gridded ground in thought.

"Oh, that yellow rectangle above your head? Yeah, it is." Upon hearing this from Flowey, Copper looked up,

noticing that the bar they envisioned was right over them.

"Huh, weird. I just thought of that without even seeing it... Anyways, ehm, you mind helping me some more, preferably with this frog..."


"Well, I forgot to mention that most monsters down here really don't wanna kill you all that much.

There are plenty of ways to make them not wanna fight. I think you can just compliment this guy and they'll be off your tail..!"

"I can do that!" Proclaimed Copper with newfound confidence, before calling out to their opponent. "The face under your belly's pretty!!"

There was a pause, one that permeated the area in a most awkward fashion. The head of this Froggit tilted quizzically, before giving a partially absentminded smile.

"It... It knew what I said, right?"

"Maybe? What matters is that you made the guy happy.It isn't even throwing anything at you anymore..!"

Acknowledging the distinct lack of bugs, Copper asked, "So wait, how do I get out of this weird void-y place?"

They then turned to their former adversary, who was still standing there, almost frozen in place.

"Hey, uhm, Mr. Froggit-guy, I don't wanna fight you anymore. You can- you can leave now."

Surely enough, it disappeared, leaving behind a small golden glow where they were.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be four gold coins, which Copper put into the pouch on their belt.

The dark landscape returned to its former purplish, detailed form, and the Froggit, now visible again, hopped away into the next room.


"Alright Flowey, is that usually how scuffles work down here?" Copper's hand was placed upon on the bruised part of their torso as they asked that.

"Well, yes and no," He answered. "It's usually more, uh, 'turn-based' than that, with there being buttons and such,

but for some reason, it just... changed, and I have no clue why." Granted, he was lying a tinge, as he did have one idea:

The Barrier. Perhaps, after it broke, after HE broke it, something happened to the mechanics within the underground.

Of course, the idea was too out-there for him to mention; after all, why would the Underground's battle system change from something so unrelated?

Maybe when he shattered it, he unintentionally used the power he had to alter this other aspect of this world?

Bah! Whatever caused it, things are just different now, and that's all that matters.


"Hm, weird." Commented Copper, interrupting Flowey's pondering session. "Anyways, from what I've heard, monsters are pretty nice folks.

So, I'll be fine if I just sweet-talk them?" Flowey's eyes shifted slightly.

"Well, most of the time, but not everyone's as nice here, especially not the ones who hate humans."

"Ah, right. I'm sorry you all had to go through that stuff. Some of us can be really awful."

"No, no, it's fine, it's just that some people here didn't take the whole truce between King Asgore and King Perdoth very well, given how he, well..."

"Waged war against the human race?"

"Yep, that. Which means that you'll come across some folks who're out for your blood, so you should be careful."

"Welp, if they won't listen to my words..." Copper looked at their fists, which were protected by leather gloves. "Maybe they'll listen to my fists instead..!"

The room grew quiet for a moment as Flowey wondered how to respond. "You, uh, sure about that? Monsters aren't really known for taking hits very well.

In fact, if you aren't careful, you could end up killing someone..."

"I know, but it's them or us. What am I supposed to do in a life-or-death situation like that?"

"Well, running away's always an optio-"

"I'm not a coward, Flowey." Copper said in a low, cold tone. "I'm not gonna run away from these types of people.

Besides, they'll just come back until I really deal with them. Anyways, we should get going."

The room became silent again as they entered the next part of the Ruins, fading from Flowey's sight.


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